The Oklahoma Soybean Board


Effective. Efficient. Farmer-Driven.

Success for soybean farmers in today's market takes more than just a good harvest. Increasing demand for soybeans is an essential part of the equation. The soybean checkoff helps facilitate market growth and creation by funding and directing marketing, research and commercialization programs. By building demand both at home and abroad, the soybean checkoff helps ensure a strong and profitable future for U.S. soybean farmers.

The Checkoff & How it Works

The soybean checkoff is supported entirely by soybean farmers with individual contributions of 0.5 percent of the market price per bushel sold each season. Fifty percent of contributions collected in Oklahoma remain in the state. The Oklahoma Soybean Board invests these funds in research and education to improve the profitability of soybean production on behalf of all Oklahoma soybean producers.

The remaining 50 percent of funds are sent to the national soybean checkoff, directed by the United Soybean Board (USB). Composed of 68 volunteer farmer-leaders, USB invests soybean checkoff funding to conduct research and drive demand for U.S. soybeans

Soybean Checkoff Funds Breakdown


of collected checkoff funds remain in Oklahoma to be invested in research and education to improve soybean production.


of collected checkoff funds go to the national checkoff to be invested in research and drive demand for U.S. soybeans.