Welcome To The New Oklahoma Soybean Board Website!
We are always searching for opportunities to increase the return on investment you receive by contributing to the Oklahoma Soybean Checkoff. In addition to the research we sponsor, we are also educating consumers about the role we play in their daily lives as well as providing valuable resources to Oklahoma soybean producers. We are here to serve you. If you have questions, please let us know.Interview With Tommy Salisbury
In the latest episode of "in the field" we caught up with soybean producer, Tommy Salisbury. We talked with him about the steps it takes to plant, grow, and harvest a soybean crop, and some of the production risks throughout that process. His engaging comments provide some real insight into soybean production. This program also included information about the many uses of soybeans, and the importance the soybean crop to Oklahoma agriculture. This session was designed for use in the Ag Ed Academy, a program which helps high school juniors and seniors who are prospective Ag Ed educators learn about the many different facets of Oklahoma agriculture.
We’re increasing demand for soybeans.
From uncovering solutions to yield-robbing pests and diseases to building demand for soybeans, the Oklahoma Soybean Board and the soybean checkoff work to increase the profitability of soybean production in Oklahoma.
Where will this little bean take us? Let’s find out….
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acres of soybeans were harvested in Oklahoma in 2023.
$136.44 M
was the value of Oklahoma soybean production in 2023.
bushels of soybeans were produced in Oklahoma 2023.
Market News
Stay up-to-date with the latest in commodity market movement and news.
Soy Research
Learn more about the seeds and treatments that are performing best in Oklahoma.
Soy in Food
See what soy-containing products are making their way to the grocery store.
Soy is Everywhere
Explore the diverse uses of soy in our daily lives. From feed, to fiber, to food, soy surrounds us.
Oklahoma Soybean Workshop Pick Two held in Morrison OK June 13th and 14th, 2024. Oklahoma teachers attending two of five workshops. Chick A Doodle Do, Pork and Beans, The Dirt On Soil, Soy Geo, and Soil To Soybean.